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Informacje o produkcie:
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  • dane techniczne

The adhesive strap is used for mounting (gluing) concrete holders in plastic (plastic base), on a steel base for metal roofing, parapets, etc.
– one-component product,
– convenient application in the form of tapes cut as needed,
– excellent adhesion to substrates without primers,
– UV resistant,
– permanently elastic.

ATTENTION ! Do not use for PVC, EPDM membrane type coverings

Method of application:
1. Cut the straps to the correct length (see assembly scheme).
2. Stick the adhesive strap to the holder according to the assembly scheme.
3. Remove the protective paper.
4. Place the holder and press it against the roofing material.



disc length
range of temperature of use
-40 to +85
temperature of use
+5 to +30
width x thickness
10mm x 2mm
colour black
material other