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ADHESIVE is used for gluing holders in plastic to PVC membrane roofing.

Substrate and ambient temperature during application and binding should be from +15°C to +25°C
Drying time: about 10 – 30 min.

Method of application:

  1. The surfaces should be thoroughly degreased.
  2. Mix the content of the bucket.
  3. Apply the adhesive with a brush on both sides on the surfaces.
  4. Wait 10 min.
  5. Check it with your finger (there should be no wet spots on the surface).
  6. Place the holder and press it firmly against the roofing.


  • has excellent adhesive properties,
  • has very good adhesion to the PVC membrane,
  • resistant to weather conditions, high and low temperatures,
  • resistant to short and long-term aging,
  • easy and quick to use, can be applied with a brush
usage up to 150 pcs.
e.g. B931504, B931516
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